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Laspezia 020247.pdf
Angelo writes following his long ride back from Napoli to La Spezia via Rome where he has been to visit his grandmother. Throughout the trip he envisioned her each time he rested his eyes. His parents asked about her as soon as he arrived at the door…

Laspezia 040247.pdf
Angelo writes to his grandmother letting her know that the ship of which he previously spoke was the one she would have been on. He guesses it was God’s plan that she not suffer on such a long journey, and that is would be better for her to leave…

Angelo talks about making sure nonna takes care of herself better. He wants to dance and sing with her again. He asks her how she feels being distant from family. Angelo mentions Antonio is heading back to Genova. He wishes to see Antonio and wishes…

Angelo writes to his grandmother. He is responding to her last letter that was sent on the 7th of February. He assures his grandmother that she will recover from her illness with care and will be able to come to America. He also states that he is…

Angelo writes to his grandmother and tells her he has been sick. Angelo is sorry because he did not reply to his grandma letters on time. Angelo is happy that she is feeling better. Angelo asks about the weather in Naples, and asks if the sun has…

Laspezia 260247.pdf
Angelo writes a very affectionate letter to his “carissima nonna” In the six-page letter, he speaks about his health and an uncle’s health. He discourages her to go to America based on the newspaper article about what happened to the ship that was…

Angelo writes about the death of his uncle and the funeral. He also really wants to come to America and is asking about the procedure and even requests the money for it. Angelo talks about being sick and that he is now recovered. He wants to come to…

Angelo writes his nonna with his typical sense of affection letting her know that he is well. Interesting dialectical phrases include: "ho mangiato, bevuto, fumato e dormito come un pasciá" "mi è caricato di robba".

Laspezia 130347.pdf
Angelo apologizes for being annoyed with Antonio in previous letter. He is now tied down to a job where it is harder for him to leave the country. He conveys thanks for the money that was sent and was talking about wanting to remain close with his…

Buon onomastico.pdf
"Sinceri auguri di buon onomastico ti bacio tuo nipote Angelo"
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