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LT 1944-09-09.pdf
It's a quiet Sundat afternoon and they (she and baby) are well. She was on furlough in July. She was grateful and surprised when an older couple gave her a ride to 11:30 am mass. She had a nice visit with Rosina and Dom. Rosina's step-sister Mary got…

LT 1944-09-07.pdf
Leona tells Danny that she drank hot chocolate that morning, and that the baby is kicking vigorously. She couldn't write the night before because she has been busy at work. She tells him that the maintenance workers are on strike and the plant is…

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LT 09-06-1944.pdf
Almost cried when received letter, lonesome for you and in love. Choice between overseas or 6 months training, he chose the training because he wants to see the baby. Baby name. "For you I am just as hot as a fire cracker". Happy she is leaving job…

LT 1944-09-29.pdf
Happy to hear you will be a cook as long as you stay in the army, after that awful training. Mixed news: bed, clothes, ring, alarm clock. I am sure I can't get anything from social security so I did not even bother signing up for it. Page 6 missing.

Danny was so excited to have spoken to Leona on the phone. He says that he had a million things to say but the only ones that came to mind were military secrets and he didn't dare say those! He already refers to her as his wife and tells her that he…

I have been busy all day and how is my honey coming along. I'm feeling fine and so is the baby. Today I did a mojor baby wash. Many diapers. We also washed my mother's curtains so that when the baby comes they're clean. Dominick came by on the way to…


LT 09-26-1944.pdf
I have to write the Government a letter like in the comic strips where a girl writes that she has made a sweater for her boyfriend and then he had been sent to the South Pacific. Speaking about friends, Bambina, and a camera.

My darling husband, I ask forgiveness for not writing yesterday. I was busy with the dentist. The doctor examined me and he wants to see me in two weeks. I have a cold and they hope I'll be well before delivery our child. I asked about your furlough.…

Danny ran into the fellow who wrote a letter to his mother when he left Ft. Custer. He has been at Camp Wolters all along. Danny tells Leona they will be doing an 8 hour overnight hike. He asks her to let him know if his family says anything strange…

Leona writes after having spoken to Danny on the phone that evening. She is hoping that he will get to come home before the baby is born. She tells him, as usual, how fat she is getting and that if he sees her, he had better not make fun of her.

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