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postcard 14.JPG
Dear Cousin, We are safely at Detroit and having a nice time. Pretty soon we will be going to school. What have you done to "Danny," every time I see him he's always talking about you. Well I haven't anything to say girl. Best regards to all the…

Rosina inquires about the flood and encourages Leona to come to Detroit. It would be in Leona's best interest in order to spend time with Danny since he may leave for the army like Dominick Celestine. She asks about Mimi, Jean, and Joe.

Rose is frustrated about the war. Reggie has had his screen test and will be sent off in a matter of time. Rose hopes they will get ot see each other before Leona moves to Detroit and she sympathizes with her about having to leave her hometown.

Rose writes that she has quit school to begin working. She wishes Leona well with her move to Detroit.

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Rose fills Leona in on what she received for her birthday and Christmas from her honey, and she asks Leona how she is doing.

Roger Di Paolo is writing his aunt and uncle with nothing to say. He asks if they will send him cigars. He gives his best to Leona and recommends naming the baby Oscar Wilde. He also wants his aunt and uncle to encourage his parents to move to…

Roger Di Paolo is responding to the telegram announcing Leona's wedding and notifying her that he cannot get leave to attend. The letter assumes a pessimistic tone as he indicates that he will soon be on the boat. He informs Leona that hers is one of…

Roger Di Paolo has relocated to a different camp and sends his new address to Leona. He lets her know who he has seen and corresponded with.

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Leona's cousin Roger Di Paolo has been so busy that he is writing the letter on his lap in an open field. He is sharing a tent with Leona's brother. They were relocated since someone got the measles.

Robert Ianarelli writes about how exhausted he is from losing sleep to work, attend parties and see friends off. He mentions seeing Leona's brother Emilio (referred to as Emil in other letters) frequently and how much he likes seeing Italian movies.…
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