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Leona's cousin Amy had previously asked her to be her confirmation sponsor but now she has learned that there will not be a confirmation because the bishop cannot make it. Nonetheless, the invitation still stands for Leona's family to visit these…

Danny is thrilled that Leona is moving to Detroit in March. He plans to give her the engagement ring for Easter and responds that he agrees to get married in St. John's Church. He asks that she not tell anyone that he has received a deferment from…

Ray tells Leona about a great movie that he saw featuring good bands and about meeting an interesting guy who drove a taxi in Pittsburgh. He tells her that the last time he went to town he came back late and got in trouble with the military police.

Danny writes at 7:30 AM. He is crestfallen because Leona keeps delaying going there as she reiterated in her phone call the previous night. He mentioned how he went stag to a shop party the weekend before, although all of his co-workers were with…

He talks about his life in Texas, and he is going to training for Military Police.

Rose is frustrated about the war. Reggie has had his screen test and will be sent off in a matter of time. Rose hopes they will get ot see each other before Leona moves to Detroit and she sympathizes with her about having to leave her hometown.

Robert Ianarelli writes about how exhausted he is from losing sleep to work, attend parties and see friends off. He mentions seeing Leona's brother Emilio (referred to as Emil in other letters) frequently and how much he likes seeing Italian movies.…

The letter narrates the soldier's time in California. Geo describes his routine and limitations that keep him from writing her: school, working night shift, long commute, and little time to himself. He is residing in a hotel on the beach for the 3…

Leona's cousin asks about her family. He had a car accident and he was lucky cause the others are in the hospital. He talks about her baby girl.

He asks is she still works at the bank. He tells her some "moron jokes"

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