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Giuseppina espresses her condolences for a loss.

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Angelo writes his nonna with his typical sense of affection letting her know that he is well. Interesting dialectical phrases include: "ho mangiato, bevuto, fumato e dormito come un pasciá" "mi è caricato di robba".

Raffaele indicates that he learned through his brother, Carmelo, that Giuseppina is leaving for the States by the end of March, 1947. He wanted to say farewell to her and see her before she leaves but due to work won't be able to. Raffaele also got a…

Vincenzo is happy to hear that his wife is getting better. He encourages her to relax ("Stai senza pensieri"). Giuseppina went to Pompei to thank the Virgin ("per aringraziare la Madonna").


Laspezia 060347.pdf
Giuseppe makes peace with his brother in law's passing. He shares an update on Angiolino's military medical exam. He was deemed not ready for service yet. His mother is trying to fatten him up by feeding him beaten egg yolks. Interesting dialectic…

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Antonio is back in Italy. He sent the $25, but Vincenzo complains that it was not in American currency but rather exchanged on the black market ("Blak Marckett"). Vincenzo sent his wife medicine and syringes from a specialist and he is happy to know…


He is happy that she is in perfect health, as well as their daughter Rosina and his wife's sister. He expresses his affection to his wife and he wants them to start living a new life together, a life of joy and happiness, without disagreement. He…


Vincenzo is happy to hear that his wife is well and in good health. He is also in good health. He is happy she went to Afragola to visit the church of St. Antonio. He hopes she received money that he sent on the 1st of March. He tells her to buy…

Buon onomastico.pdf
"Sinceri auguri di buon onomastico ti bacio tuo nipote Angelo"

Vincenzo is happy to hear that his wife is getting better. Vincenzo can't wait to know when his wife will join him in America, and he hopes that the date will be set soon. He asks her to bring salame and sopressata.

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